Specialised Substitute Residential Care (SSRC)

Specialised substitute residential care involves an agreement between a guardian and an organization for children and young people to receive care away from their usual home for at least three nights within a seven-day period. This care must be for respite or behavior support, or funded by the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS).

What is Specialised Substitute Residential Care (SSRC)?

Specialized substitute residential care involves an agreement between a guardian and an organization for children and young people to receive care away from their usual home for at least three nights within a seven-day period. This care must be for respite or behavior support, or funded by the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS).

Who is it for?

Specialised Substitute Residential Care is intended for children and young people who:

● Have experienced significant trauma, abuse, or neglect.

● Require a higher level of support than what is available through standard foster care or other residential care options.

● Need a safe and structured environment to address behavioral, emotional, and developmental challenges.

Why is it important?

Safety and Stability: Provides a secure and stable living environment for children who cannot remain in their family home.

Specialized Support: Addresses the unique and complex needs of children who have experienced significant adversity.

Developmental Opportunities: Offers programs and activities to support the emotional, social, and educational development of children in care.

How can we assist you with Specialised Substitute Residential Care (SSRC)?

Safe and Nurturing Environment: Our SSRC facilities are designed to provide a safe, nurturing, and homely environment where children can feel secure and cared for.

Experienced and Compassionate Staff: Our team of trained professionals is experienced in working with children who have experienced trauma and are dedicated to providing compassionate and effective care.

Family and Community Engagement: We encourage and facilitate positive relationships with family members and community connections where appropriate, supporting a holistic approach to care.

Ongoing Monitoring and Review: We regularly monitor and review each child's care plan and progress to ensure they are receiving the best possible support and to make any necessary adjustments.

If you have any questions or need more information about our Specialised Substitute Residential Care services, please don't hesitate to reach out. We are committed to providing the highest quality care and support for children and young people in need.

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